Birth Services

Joyce Kimball, CPM

Birth Stories

Trey's Birth Story

Laboring on hands and kneesOn April 7, 2016, I woke up at 3:30 AM to the feeling of the first contraction that would ultimately lead to your sweet birth. I was sure I was having contractions, but I wasn’t quite sure they would last because I had had false alarms several nights before where the contractions came and then stopped. I guess my body was just getting ready for the big day.

I only felt about 2 contractions or so before 4am when Daddy left for work. The contractions kept right on going and getting closer together so I finally called Daddy to come home from work around 5am. He called a co-worker to come in for him and was home before 6am. I was so happy to see him when he got home. He looked handsome and excited and slightly unsure that this was all really happening. I reassured him that the labor was real this time.

Before Daddy arrived home, Skylar and Aria had woken up. They were excited that I was having contractions and they would get to meet you soon. Daddy also called Gigi to come over on his way home and I called Joyce around 5:30am to let her know. She told me to have some breakfast and call her in a couple hours or if I needed her to come sooner.
I took care of your sisters for a while and the contractions seemed to slow down a bit, so when Daddy came home I asked him to take over. I wanted to focus on you and your arrival into the world and our family. I made myself a smoothie with pineapple, mangos, bananas, hemp seeds, and coconut water. I also got myself a large mason jar full of water mixed with frozen mango, coconut water, ice, and vegan honey. I ate some brown rice and veggies too, but couldn’t get much of it down. The cool drinks were refreshing though.

I moved everything I needed into the room I wanted to give birth to you in and relaxed. I listened to calming ambient music and breathed in the lavender essential oil that was diffusing nearby. The sun was up already, but the room was illuminated by our salt lamp as well. All was calm inside this room. It was my own little oasis and I was able to just be and focus on bringing you into the world.
Gigi arrived around 6:30 am and took over so Daddy could be with me. Skylar and Aria were really excited to play. Daddy came in and checked on me periodically and things were going great. I used the birthing ball, did squats, and bent over with each contraction to help bring you down.

Labor started to get more intense and the contractions were getting closer together. We decided to call Joyce around 8am. I wanted her to come over now because it felt like you may be arriving soon. She said she would be over by 9am, but to call her sooner if I needed to. She said she wanted to take a shower, but if I needed her she had caught many babies in her pajamas before. I laughed and planned to see her around 9am.

Daddy and I decided to go outside in the back yard for a walk. It was cool, but nice, considering that on my due date just 3 days earlier on 4/4/16, we had gotten over 5 inches of snow! The snow had almost all melted on the day you were born and I could see the grass in most areas. The sky was white and cloudy and the temperature was in the 40’s. There were toys all over the back yard and I had an urge to clean them up. I bent and squatted and reached for the toys, which really seemed to help bring the contractions on even stronger.

The contractions were about 2 minutes apart now. After about 30 minutes I was ready to go in to use the bathroom. On our way in Joyce arrived at 8:30am. She looked beautiful and rested. She said she had showered and even blew dried her hair. I was so happy to see her and knew now our baby could come.
We went in the house and I went to the bathroom. Joyce set up her supplies and the girls were getting ready to watch a movie nearby in the living room. I asked them to watch the movie in our bedroom so I could have some more space within the house. They happily went in there and we sprawled out a bit. I moved the birth ball to the living room and continued to use that and pace around the house.

Carol soon arrived and chatted with Joyce while they got everything ready. She was really nice and though I had only met her once before she felt like family. I was glad to see her too.

I labored some more and Rachel came in next. She came in right during a contraction and I could hear and feel her energy, but was in my own world. When the contraction ended I was able to say hi to her. I was really happy to see Rachel too and now knew that everyone was there that was supposed to be there.

At one point Joyce offered for me to watch something funny. I mumbled something about “Modern Family,” but decided not to watch anything because I couldn’t even imagine putting on a show at that moment. I was in “labor world” which to me is almost like a different dimension. It’s a place where time is almost non-existent. Where contractions come and go and the space in between is a blissful, happy, restful place. The time in between felt so good, so I focused on that feeling and barely wanted to talk or even open my eyes when I was there.

The contractions were strong, but they made me happy too. I knew each contraction was getting me closer to meeting you and I wanted them to be strong. I had learned to embrace the pain and bring it on as heavy as possible. With each contraction I focused on bringing you down. Joyce was very reassuring and told me I was doing a good job. After one of the contractions she motioned rocking a baby with her hands and said “babe in arms.” That was so helpful too. I knew the time was coming soon.
I made my way back to the bathroom. The quiet was nice for a few minutes and it was hard to believe Skylar and Aria were right in the next room. They were being so sweet and giving me the space I needed to focus on you. I stayed in the bathroom for a long time. Going through many contractions. Standing, sitting, squatting, but most importantly allowing myself to feel the magic of the midwives’ presence. They we all here and it was time. It was safe.

I started to have much more bloody show and felt excited. I went to tell the midwives and they clapped and said that meant cervical dilation. Soon after, they asked if I wanted to get into the birthing tub. I had been reluctant because I didn’t want it to stall the labor, the pool also felt huge and obtrusive in my birthing room, but now felt like a good time to give it a try so I said sure.

Daddy and the midwives topped the tub off with air and were about to fill the tub while I labored on the bed. The contractions were so strong by this time and all of a sudden my water broke. It felt so good, like a powerful explosion of amniotic fluid, a relief for a split second before reality set in. Joyce helped me get my soaked pants off and I felt like I needed to push! Joyce told me to do what my body was telling me to do. I loved how she trusted me, even more than I trusted myself. I was so used to being given permission to push once fully dilated, but she never once performed a cervical check and just let me do everything I needed to do.

I flipped over onto my hands and knees and pushed with the contractions. It felt so good to push, but also really, really tough. I was focused for a short time on not tearing, but the urge to push you out took over and I pushed as hard as I could.

Within minutes of pushing I heard you crying. Your sweet cry sounded angry, but absolutely beautiful. I was still on my hands and knees and turned my head back to see you. I asked if I could turn over to see you because you were still attached to the placenta and I didn’t want to do anything really abrupt. Soon I was sitting up and you were on my chest. I hadn’t even had time to take my shirt off to put your skin on mine right away, but the midwives helped me get undressed and cozy with you.

You were perfect in every way. I held you close and was so ecstatic to have you in my arms. Soon daddy whispered to me that you were a boy. Our sweet Trey had arrived. I held you longer, then said “It’s a boy?” as though in disbelief because I hadn’t seen for myself. I checked and announced to the room that you were a boy. I was so happy to have you in my arms.

After cuddling for a while, I breastfed you. I also delivered the placenta and Daddy cut your cord after all the blood had pulsed from the cord into your body. The midwives really liked your umbilical cord because it had a nice spiral to it and I felt really proud and amazed that my body could do such a magical thing and make such a complete being. Even though you are our 3rd child, the amazement was even more astounding, the whole experience surreal.

Daddy held you and your sisters came in to meet you. They had been watching “Inside Out” with Gigi and after the movie ended they heard you crying and knew you had arrived. They were so happy to meet you and surprised to have a little brother. They wanted to put on their “Big Sister” shirts right away. Gigi peeked in and was surprised to have a grandson as well. We cuddled you and the midwives got me settled and comfortable. They cleaned up and got me back in bed with you. While I rested in bed and chatted with Carol about taking care of boys, Daddy cut up my placenta so we could save it and I could make smoothies with it.
Things couldn’t have gone more beautifully! We had a wonderful home birth. It was so calm and peaceful and we are all completely in love. Born at home at 9:53 am on a Thursday morning. You weighed 8lbs 12 oz and were 21.” We couldn’t be happier!!